January was a month of movement, of reuniting with many of my beloved items, of feeling feelings and establishing routine and focusing on health and self.
January was a month of mulling on attention and its power; on creativity and the mighty block that trauma can cause; on living intentionally and slowly, and how scary that can sound to many folks. It was a month of listening closely to the gravel under my boots, the soft snores coming from my pup as he naps, and my feelings as they show up in my physical body.
The past year didn’t leave me much capacity for this space, but I’m turning a corner, finding an expansiveness of ideas and structure and the time and space for it all to be tended to. In the coming months, you’ll find more letters from me here, focused around themes set in intentions. This has been my safe space to process and share - share my personal endeavors as well as my knowledge. My hope is that this space continues to be that - for it to offer even one person the space to feel, to heal, to find safety in exploring something new, to experience a shift in perspective, to begin to appreciate that the beauty is in the process (not the product), and to find the energy to increase capacity for delight.
As I’ve weaned slowly away from social media, I’d like to share more here each month - an end-of-the-month reflection on where my attention has been focused, a space to share things I’ve been loving and noticing - the little delights! Here are a few places my attention was focused this past month -
My mom gifted me three months to Book of the Month Club and for the first month I chose The Three Lives of Cate Kay. I’ve been curling up by the fire in the evenings, devouring it until my eyes can’t stay open any later. Excited to see what books they have to choose from for February!
I’ve been listening to so many audiobooks - the one I enjoyed the most last month was Nothing To See Here by Kevin Wilson - and, when I’m in the mood for music, I’ve been putting on this playlist I made to cultivate chilly desert vibes.
The desert is deceivingly chilly in the wintertime (not NYC or shores of lake Michigan cold, but still), so I’ve been bundling up in a gifted babaa sweater and I’ve been wearing this balaclava for morning hikes (I traded for a handmade vase in the Offer and Ask area of Cody’s Landscapes - score!). And my pup has been sporting this cheesy bandana designed by my friend Aly.
I’ve been burning local wood in our fireplace - it makes me never want to live without a woodburning fireplace again - and my favorite incense from my most beloved desert (the sonoran!)
I purchased this print as a welcome home gift for me and my partner.
I’m working through the Artist’s Way again, with a friend this time. Onward to week 3!
Wishing you time and space for reflection on where your own attention was focused this month. May we gift ourselves grace.
See you next week!
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