I don’t know if astrology is real, but I do know I had a whirly, unsteady August. Toward the end, when I was feeling the whiplash, a friend wrote to me, Mercury Retograde is fading soon, so I hope for clarity to find you. Briefly after her note, a hint of relief swept my way. Things were beginning to calm. It felt like the winds were no longer rushing around me without care, things became clearer, I began to feel steadier with the ground beneath my feet. I don’t know if it was my thoughtful action, my patience, simply time passing - or maybe it really was mercury finding its way out of retrograde. I imagine it’s all of this and more, more than I could ever comprehend in this lifetime.
What I do know is September feels like a new year and I am glad it is here. The last year was hard and also showed me I have amazing humans in my life. The last year I proved to myself that I am strong and I am enough and I can count on myself. The last year was a year of trust building and facing truths. Of deep healing and of building systems of consistent mending, of creation and recreation. We can always start again. I welcome a refresh with wide open arms as I stand on the top of the tiny peak in my backyard, looking over the valley and mountains beyond. I welcome you, September! May you bring everything we desire, even if it looks different than how we imagined. May you remind us that we have everything we need.
I’ll end today’s note with a reminder to pause for a practice in gratitude - gratitude doesn’t make the pain go away but it does have the power to ease it and helps remind us of all the beauty we do have.
This past month I am grateful for seeing my nieces more times than I could have planned and holding their little fingers in mine.
I am grateful for my neighbor Daisy for playing in the dirt with me and sharing her colorful goop, even though the glittery yellow stuck to my shorts.
I am grateful for my pup’s wild enthusiasm for going outside, even when the sun is barely above the skyline.
I am grateful for my grandmother’s sewing machine that is the perfect shade of brown - I wish she could have known that she left it to me and that I use it every week.
And finally - I’m grateful for the little voice inside of me that tells me I’m going to be okay, as long as I follow my heart and my gut, as long as I keep feeling to heal, as long as I keep moving forward.
What are your gratitudes this month?
Wishing us all a steady September.
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