I welcome you (somehow!) to the final month of the year. Out my window, a truck pumps two thousand gallons of water into an oversized storage container that sits on the magical desert land where I’ve been spending my days resting and working and healing. This time next month, I’ll be gone from this place, on to somewhere else. The ever shifting landscape of this year continues.
I don’t know what comes next and, if there’s anything I’ve learned from this year of change and growth, it’s that - I’m okay with that. I’m okay with not knowing what comes next for me, I’m okay with focusing on what I can control and releasing the rest. I move into December with a deep trust in the universe, a knowing that if I stay open to life unfolding as it will, I’ll find my way. I now recognize that it will sometimes be more painful than I could have imagined and, mostly, it will be beautiful.
I invite you to consider - what are you making space for this month ahead? December can be a tricky one, full of memories and family and friends - sometimes lovely, sometimes painful, sometimes all of it wrapped up together. It’s a time of reflection and the end of the year push, holiday gatherings and travel. Sometimes too little space to rest alone with yourself, sometimes too much.
Looking at your month ahead, what are some things that you can set up for yourself to allow for whatever it is you need? If you’re feeling stuck, I invite you to sit and simply breathe for a moment - feel your lungs fill up with air, hold it there for a moment, and slowly feel the air release - and consider an intention for the month ahead. Close your eyes and ask yourself: what do I most need this month? Allow the answer to surprise you, and then find ways to welcome that intention into your month.
I’m welcoming space for myself through some upheaval that I’m hoping will prove gentle. I’m welcoming presence. I’m welcoming patience and an embrace of that deep trust I developed year.
Wishing you space for welcoming whatever it is you need this final month of the year.
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⋰ grace@gracecady.com